Core Brothers
(formerly Memberz Only):
August 29, 2009 at Mutineer

memberzonly_2009-08-29_01The Core Brothers brought the core of classic rock to the Mutineer. Ana said, “They cover a good range of music, a little of everything . . . It was great to hear their transitions from song to song . . . a flow of joy.” Above, on stage at Mutineer’s Wharf Lounge, we see Emilio Delgado on bass, Alex Veras on drums, Manny Gutierrez Jr. on lead vocals, and Mario Amengual on guitar and vocals. The Core Brothers have a MySpace site at where you may check their schedule, see their photos, hear their sound clips and more.

Update 2010-04-07: Memberz Only recently was renamed, “The Core Brothers.”

Update 2012-06-10: The Core Brothers have a Facebook page at Emilio Delgado resigned. The bass slot has since been filled with players such as Dan Ullman, Hugo Martinez, and now Bill Griffin. A transplant from Atlanta, Georgia, Bill Griffin worked with The Core Brothers’s lead guitarist Mario Amengual in the bands Hoodwink, Hunters Moon, and Amengual Band.

Founder, front man, and Kearny, New Jersey native Manny Gutierrez Jr. on lead vocals.

Cofounder and musical director Mario Amengual on lead guitar and vocals.

Emilio Delgado on bass.

Alex Veras on drums.

The Core Brothers.


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