Eclipse: November 24, 2007
at Little Hoolie’s

Above at Little Hoolie’s, from left to right, are Rod Burn on keyboard, guitar and vocals, Mico Welch on lead vocals, Kevin Alfinez on drums and vocals, Lou Sommella on bass guitar and vocals, and Jim Cribb on lead guitar and vocals. Each member sings not just backup but also lead, and does it well. One member with laryngitis won’t cause the band to cancel. So, let’s get to lead vocalists. Drummer Kevin Alfinez’s brother Chris was the Eclipse main lead singer. Recently, Chris decided to go on tour with a major act. That brings up their current lead vocalist, Michael “Mico” Welch. As I never heard Chris, I cannot compare Mico to Chris, but Mico Welch’s singing is world-class and he works a crowd with ease and professionalism. Little surprise that Mico has worked with James Brown, and recently produced and arranged a CD entitled, “Now and Then.” Eclipse has a new website at as well as a MySpace site with sound clips at

Eclipse‘s lead singer Mico Welch works the crowd with ease.

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Above left: Michael ‘Mico’ Welch sings lead. Above right: Drummer Kevin Alfinez.

Rob Burn switched between keyboard and guitar.

Bassist Lou Sommella on bass and Jim Cribb on guitar.

Eclipse‘s lead singer Mico Welch.


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